- Postnet Suite 169, Private Bag X3, Northriding 2162
P2B PROJECTS is a company based in Johannesburg but operates national wide and across the boarders of South Africa. We specialise in roadmarking for roads and car parks, paving, asphalt laying, transport and logistics.
We also provide traffic signs, road studs (cat eyes) and accessories (e.g. speed bumps, humps and rumble strips.) We only use purpose-built road marking equipment designed to spray as specified in the COLTO specs, SARTSM manual and SABS tests. Only SABS approved products are used and Material data sheets can be supplied upon request. All our staff are in-house trained and has several years of experience in line marking and road building.
To further develop and grow the company into a diverse enterprise through the following avenues: Sourcing and developing of new products and services to benefit our clients and communities. To train and promote our workforce...to ensure employment equity, skills development and job creation.
We value our clients and our employee always. We respect people’s values, cultures and heritage in all the areas we work in. We promote UBUNTU amongst our employees and the communities. We sustain market related pricing to the benefit of our clients. To take responsibility for the quality of our products and services. To maintain customer relationships through strategizing, marketing and corporate governance. To maintain a good customer relationship and trained sales representatives that will perform continuous visits to assist in your needs.